“Help I feel really stuck and don’t know what to do.”

“No it’s just not working, I’ve tried everything over the last year and nothings worked, I don’t even know if there’s anything left to try.”

I hear this sentence a lot with my clients, in fact feeling stuck and unable to move forward is one of the biggest reasons clients come for a tarot coaching session.

“I’m completely out of ideas, exhausted, it’s melting my brain or I’ve thought of everything, tried everything but nothing worked. I just feel so tired of life feeling like this.” Does this sound familiar?

But before you can start finding solutions, it’s important to spend some time looking at what brought you here. Looking for the ways you took can help you rediscover your direction. Lets look at some of the routes that might have brought you here.

You got really unclear about what you wanted – I mean what do you even want now?

It was all going so well, you’ve bounced from Uni to a good-ish job, I mean it’s not perfect but it’s making money, maybe a serious relationship followed maybe a leap to the housing ladder, you fell into adulting quite by accident, it felt kind of right so you went with it, everyone else was doing it so you thought it was the best option for you too. But months, maybe years went by and suddenly you’ve been on this same wheel for a decade and you’re not so sure anymore. You hadn’t given anything else any serious thought, you just kept going. Things you expected yourself to just do, fell away and suddenly they seem very, very far away. Life has rattled along at such a pace, even taking time out has felt rushed and there’s very little time to ask yourself, what do I want now? Should I still want that? Or should I just forget it for good?

Feeling messy seems to be the default position and there’s nothing wrong with messy, especially with family in the mix but is it time to make some space and figure out what you want, really want, because that might not have anything to do with who you were 10 or 20 years ago, it might be you need to take a fresh page, turn a different card and consider some new options, even things that you’ve not considered before. New can be scary but it can be liberating, new possibilities can be the key to getting unstuck, it’s a shift in thinking that tarot is very good at creating, coaching helps you build a plan around your newness to get you moving.

“There’s just nothing jumping out at me”.

This is a biggie; you’ve got so bored with the options you’re blinded to the positives in what you’ve already discounted. It’s not a sign of defeat to revisit things, especially with guidance to help you see what you might have missed.

Here’s the thing, nothing is perfect when you first start and if you’re looking for perfection you’ll only disappoint yourself, stuck feelings can become entrenched if you look for perfection rather than the things that make you curious and want to go further. Lets be honest if something had jumped at you, you wouldn’t be stuck you’d have run towards it with arms wide and lived happily ever after, well for a while anyway. If nothing is jumping does anything quietly wave at you? Is something always there when you think about your options, what’s stopping you from exploring that? Have you made up a dozen or more reasons not to look at it further or are there practical issues you don’t know how to navigate to make it work for you? Problem busting and finding paths through means opening up your thinking, changing perspective and coming up with practical solutions without having to re-invent the wheel.

You’re not listening to yourself anymore

How much attention to you pay to your intuition anymore? Do you listen to your gut instinct or do you push it away, ignore it even? Maybe it’s always seemed a bit out there to do that, if it’s not something you really pay much attention to it can be easy to dismiss it and focus on what your brain is telling you rather than you’re instincts. But it’s worth taking some time out to sit with you’re intuition for a little while, is there a quiet feeling or voice pulling at your sleeve, is it being honest and that might be too scary to contemplate that you might have to make bigger changes than you’re ready for. Your instinct, intuition, gut feelings don’t have to be scary and you don’t have to dive in and take everything to hear straight away. But if deep down you know there’s something else you’ve been ignoring or putting off dealing with then you are going to keep being stuck until you deal with it once and for all.

The pandemic pulled a lot into the light, it was intense and made us loose the rose tinted glasses whether that was about our careers or our relationships, perhaps you’ve been putting things off from then or you’re managing to tread water knowing you need to change but just not yet…Spending some time sitting on your own without distractions and asking yourself the hard questions might be a good place to start, don’t be harsh with yourself if you don’t hear much to begin with, keep persevering and see what comes up, make notes, just observe what you’re inner most feelings are telling you. Or you could have a Tarot coaching session to explore these feelings, to explore the hidden and the less talked about. Tarot is a natural source of light for the layers we keep wrapped up tight and don’t show the world, who we are, what works and what doesn’t, universal guidance to reconnect you with your intuition. My clients often talk about feeling reconnected to themselves after a meeting, lots can appear in a session which goes some of the way to moving you forward without pressure of having to choose or making big choices.

If there is a magic formula for getting unstuck in your life, it begins with this reconnection to you, to what you truly want, to what is possible and shining a light on your options, even the ones that seemed impossible before you started.


Two of Swords: Choice, Indecision or Decision Fatigue?


How I became a tarot coach